Friday 13 September 2013

Product Mix Decision - Management Duniya

Product Mix Decision

Product Mix Decision:

The set of all product lines & items that a particular sellers offers for sale.

A company’s product mix has four important dimensions i.e. Width, Length, Depth and Consistency.

Product Mix Width: It refers to the total no.of different product lines the company carries. Ex: AVONs product mix consists 4 major product lines. Cosmetics, Jewellery, Fashion, Household Items etc…

Product Mix Length: It refers to the total no.of items the company carries in its product line.


Co. Name: AVONs;    Line: Cosmetics;  Items: Lipstick, Powder, Eye Liner and Nail Polish.

 Product Line Depth: It refers to the no.of versions offered of each product in the line. Ex. P&G crests tooth paste comes in three types Paste, Gel, Herbal .

Product Mix Consistency:  It refers to how closely relate the various product lines are in end use. Product on requirements, distribution channels or some other ways. Ex. P& G product lines are consistent in so far as they are consumer products that go through the same distribution channels.


Source: Books & Notes

By: Management Duniya

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