Friday, 30 August 2013

Post Purchase Action - Management Duniya

Post Purchase Action

Post Purchase Action:

The consumer’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with influences his subsequent behaviour. Dis-satisfactory consumers may not go for the repurchase & may spread negative word of mouth. However, the customer is satisfied with the performance of the product he may repurchase it & could spread positive word of mouth.

This is a state of the consumer wherein he compares his expectations with those of the actual benefits of the product. Therefore this is an important stage for the marketer as well because the customer’s future course of action is decided in this stage.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Consumer, Consumer Behaviour, finance, Financial management, HRA, Human Resource, Management, Management Accounting for MBA, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Accounting, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA internet materail, MBA Marketing, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA project, MBA Study Material, Notes for MBA Students, Online Notes for MBA, Online notes for MBA finance Students, Online study material for MBA, Organisation, organisational Behaviour, Post Purchase Action
By: Management Duniya

Post Purchase Behaviour - Management Duniya

Post Purchase Behaviour

Post Purchase Behaviour:

After the purchase of the product the consumer could experience either satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Post Purchase Satisfaction / Dissatisfaction:

If the performance of the product falls short of expectations the consumer will be dissatisfied.

If he meets the expectation, the consumer will be satisfied.

If he exceeds the expectations of the consumer than the consumer more satisfied or delighted. These feelings make a difference in the decision of the consumer regarding the future course of action i.e. repurchase decisions.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: finance, Financial management, Human Resource, Management, Management Accounting for MBA, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA, MBA Accounting, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA internet materail, MBA Marketing, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA project, MBA Study Material, Notes for MBA Students, Online Notes for MBA, Online notes for MBA finance Students, Online study material for MBA, Organisation, organisational Behaviour, Post Purchase Behaviour
By: Management Duniya

Thursday, 29 August 2013

STEPS IN BUYING PROCESS - Evaluation of Alternatives & Purchase Decision - Management Duniya

STEPS IN BUYING PROCESS - Evaluation of Alternatives & Purchase Decision

 Evaluation of Alternatives:

There is no single evaluation process followed by all the consumers. The evaluation method could vary depending up on the individual or the nature of the product. However, it is foremost intention will be to satisfy the need. Secondly, he owned look for the other benefits accompany each product. He would evaluate each brand  assess their abilities & the ultimate satisfaction which could be achieve with that purchase consumers generally evaluate all the brands based on the key attributes and to do so he may unknowingly or knowingly rate the different brands, compare the attributes of each brand in order to arrive at a conclusion.

Purchase Decision:

Generally evaluations of alternatives are followed by the purchase decision. This because once the consumer evaluates the set of alternatives available to him it could be easier for him to reach a conclusion. However, two factors can interfere between the person intension & the actual purchase.

Attitude of Others & Un anticipated Situational Factors

The first factor describes the extent to which the other person attitude influences the choice of the consumer.

And the second factor could be situations which are confronted by the consumer & which could compile him to change his purchase decision.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: finance, Financial management, Human Resource, Management Accounting for MBA, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA internet materail, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA Study Material, Notes for MBA Students, Online Notes for MBA, Online notes for MBA finance Students, Online study material for MBA, Organisation, organisational Behaviour
By: Management Duniya

STEPS IN BUYING PROCESS-Information Search - Management Duniya


 Information Search:

Once the need is recognised the consumer could search for information which would satisfy his needs. He will be involved in activities which could serve him a solution for his problem. He collects information from various sources which could be normally.

Personal Source: These include family, friends, neighbours, co workers etc…

Commercial Sources: This includes Adds, Sales, Promotional activities, Dealers, Packaging, Displays etc…

Experimental Sources: This includes handling, examining & using the product. This information search takes place a systematic way.

Total Set  —-    Awareness Set —-   Consideration Set  —–   Choice Set  —-    Decision

The total set consists of all the brands available in the particular category in the market.

Awareness set constitutes of those brands which the consumer is aware.

Consideration set consists of only those brands which would meet his initial criterion.

The choice set consists of those brands which the consumer feels could satisfy his other criterion.

Decision will be made to buy only one brand from the choice set.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Consumer, Consumer Buying process, finance, Financial management, Human Resource, Human Resource Management, Information Search, Management Accounting for MBA, Managment, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Accounting, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA internet materail, MBA Marketing, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA project, MBA Study Material, Online Notes for MBA, Online notes for MBA finance Students, STEPS IN BUYING PROCESS
By: Management Duniya

Tuesday, 27 August 2013




The buying process consists of a systematic approach where in the consumer goes through in a detailed process in order to achieve maximum satisfaction. The purchase process consist 5 steps. Those are as follows.

Need Recognition,

Information search,

valuation of alternatives,

Purchase & Post purchase Behaviour.

Need Recognition:

An individual purchase a product /services only when he feels it is necessary. This need recognition could be better understood on the basis of Maslow motivational theory. According to which needs an individual falls in a hierarchal way an individual would advance to a higher level only if the lower levels are satisfied.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Buyer, BUYING PROCESS, Consumer, Consumer Buying process, finance, Management, Management Accounting for MBA, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Accounting, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA internet materail, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA project, Notes for MBA Students, Online notes for MBA finance Students, Online study material for MBA, STEPS IN BUYING PROCESS
By: Management Duniya

Monday, 26 August 2013

Consumer Buying Behaviour - Social Factors - Management Duniya

Consumer Buying Behaviour - Social Factors

Social Factors:

In addition to the internal/Personal factors the consumer behaviour is influenced by social factor reference groups, families, social class.

Reference Groups:

It consists of those groups which have a direct or indirect influences on the persons, attitudes & behaviour. Groups having a direct influence on a person are called membership groups, which companies of families, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc…, with whom the person interact in a continues informal way. People who belong the secondary groups have an indirect influence on the individual and few companies of religious professional or union groups with which the individual has a formal & discrete interaction.


A family is most important influencer in the purchase behaviour of any individual. It is the family, which to large extent shake the individual believes & behaviour. The environment of a family plays a wider role in the individual’s perceptions & attitude building.

 Social Class:

A person participates in various social groups like those of clubs, Organisation etc… The role & status of an individual in the social group influence the buying behaviour. Consumer often chooses products that communicate their role/status/class in the society.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Behaviour, Consumer, Consumer Behaviour, Customer, finance, Financial management, Management Accounting for MBA, Managment, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Accounting, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA Marketing, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA on Internet, MBA project, Notes for MBA Students, Online study material for MBA, purchases
By: Management Duniya

Consumer Buying Behaviour- Internal Factors - Management Duniya

Consumer Buying Behaviour- Internal Factors

Internal Factors:

Past Experience:  Past experience of an individual would reflect up on the future course of action. If an individual satisfaction with the product earlier then he feels to have are purchased idea & in case he was de satisfied with the experience, he may never go for re purchase.

Attitude: It is a emotional pre-disposion towards a particular object or financial. There attributes serve as a direction for the customers for the purchase of a product/ Service.

A person with a negative attitude towards a particular object would generally keep away it at the same time if he has a positive attitude he may have a special liking or favour it which intern would encourage its purchase.

Perception: It is the process, by which an individual selects, organises & interpret information in puts to create a meaning full picture of an objects of financial people can emerge with different perceptions of the same object because of the different perceptional influences. These processes could be due to the concept of idea which we anticipate or due to many other internal factors.

Learning: It involves the changes in an individual due to the knowledge acquired in due course of time as well as the drive in him supported by the cue which results in the response.

Motivation: This is another factor which influences the buying behaviour according to the needs an individual; Maslow has proposed the hierarchy model. When in the needs of individual are satisfied in their hierarchal way & the buying behaviour also would be accordingly.

Personality: Any individual has the personality which includes their selves namely. I.e. Ego, Super Ego.


Source: Books & Notes

By: Management Duniya

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Consumer Buying Behaviour - Management Duniya

Consumer Buying Behaviour

Consumer Buying Behaviour

Consumer often by product/services based on various factors. Consumers buy products in order to satisfy their needs & requirements buy. Sometimes may undertake a systematic process of buying & at other activities they could go for a product for no special reason or attribute. There are various approaches proposed for consumer’s behaviour. And consumers could follow any of these for their buying behaviour.

There are various factors which influences an individual buying a product. There could be individual buying a product. There could be

Internal Factors:

Past Experience, Attributes, Perception, Learning, Motivation & Personality.

Environmental Factors:

Which consist of the economical, technological, Legal & Political factors?

Social Factors:

Family, Reference group

Cultural Factors:

The above mention factors are influence the purchase pattern in a unit way.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Buying Behaviour, Consumer, Consumer Buying Behaviour, finance, Financial management, Human Resource, Management, Management Accounting for MBA, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Career, MBA Exam Study material, MBA HR, MBA internet materail, MBA Marketing, MBA Notes on Internet, MBA Study Material, Notes for MBA Students, Organisation, organisational Behaviour, sales, Selling
By: Management Duniya



Online marketing is offering great features to customers.  In current scenario internet and E-commerce had replaced magazines, news papers etc…, but some of the challenges that online marketers face.

Limited Consumer exposure & buying:

Although expanding rapidly, online marketing still reaches only a limited market place moreover; many web users do more window browsing than actual buying. One source estimates that although 65% of current internet users have used the web to check out products & compare prices. Prior to a particular decision only 14% users have actually purchased anything online. Still fewer have used their credit cards.

Chaos & Clutter:

The internet offers millions of websites of staggering volume of information. Thus, navigating the internet can be frustrating, confusing & time environment, many web ads & site go un noticed or unopened. Even when noticed, marketers will find it difficult to hold consumer attention. One study finds it that a site must capture web surfers’ attention within 8 seconds or lose them and they shift to other sites. That gives very less time for marketers to promote & sell their products.


Consumers still worry that unscrupulous snoopers will eavesdrop on their online transactions or intercept their credit card numbers & make unauthorised purchases.

Ethical Concern:

Privacy is a primary concern. Marketers can easily track website visitors and many consumers who participate in website activities provide extension personal information. This may leave consumers open to information abuse it companies make unauthorised use of the information in markets their products or exchanging electronic lists with other companies. There are also concerns about segmentation & discrimination.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Buy, Buying, CHALLENGES OF ONLINE MARKETING, Consumer, Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Buying, finance, Financial management, Management, Market, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Career, MBA HR, MBA Marketing, MBA Subject Material, Online Marketing, Organisation, organisational Behaviour, Perception, sales, Selling, volume
By: Management Duniya

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Differences between Rural & Urban Markets - Management Duniya

Differences between Rural & Urban Markets


Rural Market vs Urban Market



Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Differences between Rural & Urban Markets, finance, Financial management, Management, Marketing, Marketing Management, Rural marketing, sales, Selling, Urban Marketing, volume
By: Management Duniya

Differences between Marketing & Selling - Management Duniya

Differences between Marketing & Selling


Marketing vs Selling

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Career, Difference between Marketing & Selling, financial, Financial management, Loss, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA, MBA Career, MBA HR, MBA Marketing, Profit, Profit & Loss, sales, Selling, Which Career
By: Management Duniya

Friday, 23 August 2013




Production Concept: The philosophy that consumers will favour products that are available & highly affordable & the management should therefore focus on improving production & distribution efficiency.

Product concept: The idea that consumer will favour products that offer the most quality, performance & features that the organisation should therefore devote its energy to making continuous produce improvement.

Selling Concept: The ideal that consumers will not buy of the organisational products unless the organisation under takes a large scale selling & promotion at effort.

Marketing Concept: The marketing management philosophy that achieving Organisational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets & delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently & efficiently than competitors do.

 Societal Marketing: The idea, that the organisation should determine the needs, wants & interest of target market & delivered the desired satisfactions more effectiveness and efficiently than other competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumers & society’s well being.

De Marketing: Marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently the ain is not to destroy demand, but only to reduce or shift it.

Market Mix: A set of controllable marketing tools product: Price, Place & promotion that the firm blends to produce the response, it wants in the target market.

Direct Marketing: Direct communication with carefully targeted individual consumer to obtain an immediate response & cultivate lasting relationships.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: De marketing, Direct Marketing, Financial management, Human Resource, Human Resource System, Indirect Marketing, Loss, Management, Market Mix, Marketing, Marketing Concept, Marketing Management, MARKETING MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES, Organisation, Product Concept, Production Concept, Profit, Profit and Loss, sales, Selling Concept, Social marketing, volume
By: Management Duniya

MARKETING - Management Duniya


Definition: A Social & managerial process whereby individuals & obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products & value with others.

Need: A state of felt deprivation.

Want: The form taken by human need as shaped by culture & Individual personality.

Demand: Human wants that are backed by buying power.

Product: Anything that can be offered to a market for attention acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or heed, It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organisations & ideas.

Services: Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another i.e. essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything.

Customer Value: The difference between the values the customers gains from owing & using a product & the cost of obtaining a product.

Consumer Satisfaction: The extent to which a product perceived performance matches buyer expectations.

Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.

Transaction: A trade between two parties that involves at least two thing of value agreed upon condition a time if agreement & a place of agreement.

Relationship Marketing: The process of creating, manufacturing & exchanging strong value relationships with customers & enhancing other stakeholders.

Market:  The set of all actual & potential buyers of a product or service.

Marketing Management: The analysis, planning, implementation & control of programs designed to create, built & maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organisational objectives.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Consumer, Consumer Analysis, Consumer Satisfaction, Customer, Customer Value, Demand, finance, Financial management, Market, Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA, MBA Career, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, MBA Subject, sales, Satisfaction, Supply
By: Management Duniya



Various states of demand & the corresponding marketing tasks:

Negative Demand: This occurs when a major part of the market dislikes the product & make even pay a price to avoid it. The marketing task is to analyse the reasons for his dislike & to find out whether a marketing program consist of product redesign low prices and more positive promotion could change the customers believes & attitudes.

No Demand: Here the target market may be uninterested or in different to the product. The marketing task is to find out ways to convert the benefits of the product with the person’s natural needs & interests.

Latent Demand: Many customers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by any existing product. There is a strong latent demand for fuel efficient vehicles. The marketing task is to measure the size of the potential markets and develop effective goods and services that satisfy the demand.

Falling Demand: Every organisation sooner or later faces a falling demand for one or more of its products. The market must analyse the causes of market decline and determine whether demand can be re stimulated by finding new target market charming the product features or developing more effective communication. The marketing task is to reverse the declining demand through creative re marketing of the product.

Irregular Demand: Many organisations face demand that various a seasonal daily or even hourly basis selling problems of idle capacity of over worked capacity. Ex: Museums & Holiday resorts. The marketing task called syncro marketing is to find ways to alter the time pattern of the demand through flexible pricing, promotion & other incentives.

Full Demand: This is an ideal situation organisation face full demand when they are satisfied with their volume of business; the marketing task is to maintenance the current level of demand in the phase of changing consumer preferences & increasing competition. The organisations must keep up or improve its quality and continuously measure consumer satisfaction to make sure it is doing a good job.

 Overfull Demand: Some organisations like Maruti  Udyog face a demand level that is higher than they can or want to handle. The marketing task called de marketing requires finding ways to reduce the demand temporarily or permanently. General marketing & reducing promotion & service is one way of handling this situation.

UN whole Demand: Un whole some product requires organised efforts to discourage their consumption. Campaigns have been conducted against cigarettes, alcohol & hard drugs. The marketing task is to help people give up the habit by using such tools as fear communication price likes & reduced availability.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: Demand, Demand and Supply, Direct Marketing, income, Indirect Marketing, Loss, Management, Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing management Tasks, Marketing Tasks, MBA, MBA Career, MBA Management, MBA Marketing, Profit, Profit & Loss, revenue, Rural marketing, sales, Supply, volume
By: Management Duniya

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Training Methods - Management Duniya

Training Methods

As results of research in the field of training a number a number of programs are available. Some of these are new methods while other improvements over traditional methods. The training programs commonly used to train operative and supervisory personnel are discussed below. These programs are classified into on-the-job training programs and off-the-job training programs.


On-the-job methods

This type of training, also known as job instruction training, is most commonly used methods. Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform that job.

The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or instructor.

A)   Job Rotation:

         This type of training involves the movement of the training involves the movement of the trainee from of one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisors or trainer in each of the different job assignment.

         Through this type of training is common in training managers for general management positions, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in workshops jobs. This method gives and opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employees on other jobs and respect them.

B)    Coaching:

The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in training the individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the duties and responsibilities of the coach and relives him burden. A limitation of this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.

C)   Job instruction:

              This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method, trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the trainee as shown below

Step 1. Prepare the employee for instruction.

Step 2. Present the job.

Step 3. Have him to do the job.

Step 4. Follow through

D) Committee assignments

               Under this group of trainees are given and asked to solves an actual organization problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops teamwork.

Off-the-job Training methods:

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the job situation and his attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainee is not distracted by job rather than spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees. Off –the-job-training methods are as follows.

A)   Vestibule Training:

In this method of training, actual work conditions are stimulated in a classroom. Material, files equipment those are used in training. This type of training is commonly used for clerical and semiskilled jobs.

B)    Role-playing:

        It is defined method of human interaction that involves action, doing and practice. The participants play the role of certain characteristics, such as production manager, mechanical engineers, superintendents and the like. This method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions and relations.

C) Lecture method:

       This lecture is traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material and gives it to group of trainees in the form of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motive and create interest among the trainees.

       An advantage of lecture method is that it is a direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Thus the cost and time involved are reduced. The major limitation of the lecture method is that it does not provide for transfer of training effectively.


D) Conference of discussion method:

It is a method in training the clerical, professional and supervisory personnel. This method involves a group of people who assumptions, and draw conclusion, all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance. Discussion has the distinct advantage over the lecture method in that the discussion involves two-way communication and hence feedback is provided. The participants feel free to speak in small groups. The success of this method depends on the leadership qualities of a person who leads the group.

E) Programmed instruction:

In recent years this method had become popular. The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex level of instruction. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks. The method is expensive and time consuming.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Accounting Management, Career, CAREER PLANNING, employees, Human Resource, job, Management, MBA Career, MBA Finance, MBA HR, MBA Students, MBA Subject, Organisation, Planning, training, Training and Development, Training Methods
By: Management Duniya

Assessment of training needs - Management Duniya

Assessment of training needs

Training needs are identified on the bases of organizational analysis and man analysis. Training program, training methods and course content are to be planned on the basis of training needs. Training needs are those aspects necessary to perform the job in the organization in which employee.

Training needs = job and organization requirements – employee specifications.

Training needs can be identified through identified the organizational needs based on:

      Strengths and weakness in areas likes accidents, excessive scrap, frequent breakage of machinery, excessive labor turnover, market share and marketing areas, quantity and quality of the output, production schedule, raw materials and other production areas personal finance. Department strength and weaknesses including specific problems of the department or a common problem of a group of employees like acquiring skill and knowledge in operating computer by accounting personnel

 The following methods are used to assess the training needs:

  • Organizational requirements & weakness

  • Departmental strength & weakness

  • Job specification and employee specification

  • Identifying specific problems

  • Anticipating future problems

  • Management’s request

  • Observation

  • Interviews

  • Group conferences

  • Questionnaire surveys

  • Test or examinations

  • Checklists

  • Performance appraisal

A healthy organization climate represents its commitment and expresses it through successful and smooth training policy, which will govern and influences the standard of program it undertakes. Training needs have to be related both in terms of organization needs and individual demand.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Career, CAREER PLANNING, Development, finance, Human Resource, Management, MBA, MBA Career, MBA HR, MBA Studnets, MBA Subject, Organisation, Planning, training
By: Management Duniya

Friday, 16 August 2013

Need For Training - Management Duniya

Need For Training

Every organization big or small, old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespectively of their qualification, skill, and suitability for the job etc. Thus, no organization can choose whether or not to train employees.

Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons:

To match  the Employee specifications with the the job requirement and organizational needs:

           An employee’s specifications may not exactly suit to the requirements of the job and organization irrespective of his past experience, qualifications, skills, knowledge etc. Thus management may find deviations between employee’s present specification and job requirements and organization needs.

Organizational viability and transformation process:

           The primary goal of most of the organizations is there viability and efficiency. But environmental pressures continuously influence the organizational viability. If the organization does not adapt itself to the changing factors of the environment, it will lose its market share. if the organization desires to adopt to these changes, first it has to train employees to impact specific skill and knowledge in order to contribute to the organizational efficiency and to copy with changing environment the productivity of the organization can be improved by increasing the efficiency and to cope of transformation process, which in turn depends on enhancement of existing levels of skills and knowledge of the employees. Employee effectiveness can be secured by proper training.


Technological advances:

Every organization, in order to survive and to be effective, should adopt the latest technology i.e. mechanization, computerization and automation. Technology alone does not guarantee success unless people possessing required skills and knowledge from time to time support it.

Organizational complexity :

         With the emergency of increased mechanization and manufacturing of multiple products and by products or dealing in services of diversified lines, extension of operation to various regions of the country or in overseas countries, organization of most of the companies has become complex. This leads to the growth in number and kind of employees and layers in organizational hierarchy. This in turn creates the problems of coordination and integration and adaptability to the requirements of growth diversification and expansion. Training is responsible for much of the planned change and effective of the organization.


Change in the job assignment:

Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the higher level in the organization or where there is some new job or operation due to transfer. Training is also needed to equip to old employees with the advanced disciplines, techniques or technology.

Training is also need for:

  • Increased productivity

  • Improve quality of the product/ service

  • Help a company to fulfill its future personnel needs

  • Improve health and safety

  • Prevent obsolescence

  • Effect personnel growth

  • Minimum the resistance to change


Source : HR Books & Notes

Tags: Career, CAREER PLANNING, Development, Disclosure to employees, employees, finance, Human Resource, job, Management, MBA, MBA Career, MBA HR, Need For Training, Organisation, Planning, Planning & Development, training
By: Management Duniya

Benefits of Training- To the Individual - Management Duniya

Benefits of Training- To the Individual


  • Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving

  • Through training and development, Motivational Variables of recognition, Achievement, Growth, responsibility and advancement are internationalized and operationalised

  • Aids to encouraging and achieving self-development and self-confidence.

  • Helps a person handle stress, Tension, Frustration and conflict.

  • Provide information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes.

  • Increases job satisfaction and recognition.

  • Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills

  • Satisfies personal needs of the trainer

  • Provides the trainee an avenue for growth and say in his/her own future.

  • Develops a sense of growth in learning.

  • Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills also writing skills when exercise are required

  • Helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks.

  • Benefits in personal and Human Relations, Intragroup and intergroup relations and policy implementation.

  • Improves communication between groups and individuals.

  • Aids in orientation for new employee and those taking new job s through transfer or promotion.

  • Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action.

  • Provides information on other government laws and administrative polices.

  • Improves interpersonal skills.

  • Makes organizational polices rules and regulations viable.

  • Improves morale.

  • Builds cohesiveness in-groups.

  • Provides a good climate for learning growth and coordination.

  • Makes the organization a better place to work and live.

Source : HR Books & Notes:

By: Management Duniya

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Benefits of Training - Management Duniya

Benefits of Training

How Training benefits the organization?

  • Leads to improve profitability and /or more positive attitudes towards profit orientation

  • Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization

  • Improves the morale of the work force

  • Helps people identify with organizational goals

  • Helps Create a better corporate image

  • Fosters authenticity openness and trust.

  • Improves relationship between Boss and subordinate

  • Aids in organizational development

  • Learn from the trainee

  • Helps prepare guidelines for work.

  • Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational police.

  • Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization.

  • Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving skills

  • Aids in developing Leadership skills, Motivation, loyalty, Better Attitudes and other aspects that the successful workers and managers usually display.

  • Aids in increasing productivity and or Quality of work.

  • Aids to development for promotion from within.

  • Helps keep costs down in many areas.

  • Develops a sense of responsibility  to the organization for being competent and knowledgeable

  • Improves labour –management relations.

  • Reduces outside consulting costs by utilizing competent internal consultation.

  • Stimulates primitive management as oapposed putting out fires.

  • Eliminates sub optimal behavior

  • Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication.

  • Aids in improving organizational communication

  • Helps employees adjust to change.

  • Aids in handling conflict, they’re by helping to prevent stress and tension.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Benefits of Training, CAREER PLANNING, Development, Financial Planning, HRD, Human Resource, Inputs in Training and Development, Management, MBA, MBA Career, MBA HR, Organisation, Planning, Planning Management, training, Training and Development
By: Management Duniya

Importance of Training - Management Duniya

Importance of Training

The importance of Human resource management to a large extends depends on human resource development and training is its most important technique. No organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job and the organization requirements. Hence, training is important to develop the employee and make him suitable to the job. Training works towards value addition to the company through HRD.

Job and organizational requirements are not static, they are changed from time to time in view of technological advancement and change in the awareness of the total quality and productivity management (TQPM). The objectives of the TQPM can be achieved only through training, which develops human skills and efficiency. Trained Employees would be valuable assets to an organization. Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress and development to a greater extend depend on training. If the required training is not provided, it leads to performance failure of the employees. Organizational objective like viability stability and growth can be achieved through training. Training is important as it constitutes a significant part of management control. Training enhances four C’s for the organization.



Creativity and


Source: OB Books & Notes

Tags: CAREER PLANNING, Employee, finance, HR, HRD, Human Resource, Human Resource Development, Importance, Importance of Training, Management, MBA Career, MBA HR, MBA HRA, Organisation, Planning, training
By: Management Duniya

Monday, 12 August 2013

Training Policy - Management Duniya

Training Policy

A Company’s training policy represents the commitment of its top management to training and is expressed in the rules and procedures, which govern or influence the standard and scope of training in the organization.

Training policies are must for the following reasons:


  • To highlight the firm’s approach to the training function, provide guidance for design and execution, and to provide information regarding programs to all employees.

  • Formulation of policy helps in identification of priority areas in training, and since resources are scarce, they are prioritized according to felt needs.

  • A training policy document helps to communicate the firm’s intent regarding an employee’s career planning, and also gives the employee the opportunity to better his prospects through training


Definition of Training and Development is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee‘s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training and development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as follows:

Training and Development need =Standard performance-Actual performance.

 We can make a distinction among Training, Education and Development. such distinction enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. Training, as was stated earlier, refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand, is confined to theoretical learning in classrooms.

      Though training and education differ in nature and orientation, they are complementary. An employee who undergoes training is presumed to have had some formal education. No training is complete without an element of education. In fact, the distinction between training and education is getting increasingly blurred nowadays. As more and more employees are called upon to exercise judgment and to choose alternative solutions to the job problem, training programs seek to broaden and develop the individual through education. For instance, employees in well paid jobs and /or employees in the service industry may be required to make independent decisions regarding their work and their relationships with clients. Hence, organizations must consider elements of both education and training while planning their training programs.

 Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. Development is not primarily skills-oriented. Instead, it provides general knowledge and attitudes, which will be helpful to employees in higher positions. Efforts towards development often depend on personal drive and ambition. Development activities, such as those supplied by management developmental programs, are generally voluntary.

 To bring the distinction among training, education and development into sharp focus, it may be stated that training is offered to operatives, whereas developmental programs are meant for employees in higher positions. Education however is common to all the employees, there grades notwithstanding.

Source: OB Books & Notes

Tags: employees, finance, Human Resource, Management, MBA HR, MBA HRA, Organisation, Planning, training, Training and Development, Training Policy
By: Management Duniya

Training Inputs - Management Duniya

Training Inputs

There are three primary types of inputs:

  • Skill

  • Attitudes

  • Knowledge


SKILL: Training activities encompass activities ranging from acquisition of a simple mechanical skill to a complex administrative one.


ATTITUDE: Through orientation programs the organization has to mould and build up favorable attitude of the employee towards the organizational goals.

Training program therefore, should mould the employee’s attitudes supporting company activities. The primary purpose of training is the optimum man-task relationship.



Employee should possess:

Knowledge about the job, factory, industry and its organization in general specific knowledge about the job, knowledge about the particular disciplines relating to the job. Training aimed at imparting knowledge to employees that the organization provides for understanding of all the modern industry.


The primary purpose of training is to establish a sound relationship between employee and his job. This purpose can be served when the workers attitude is in the favor of the job, when the workers knowledge regarding the job and organization is adequate, and when the worker possesses the required skill.


Source: OB Books & Notes

Tags: attitude, Behaviour, employees, finance, Human Resource, Human Resource Management, Inputs, knowledge, Management, Organisation, Planning, Skill, training, Training and Development, Training Inputs
By: Management Duniya

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Main Groups of Training - Management Duniya

Main Groups of Training

Training is The Responsibility of Four Main Groups: 

  1. Top management – which plans the instructional programs.

  2. The personal department-which the instructional programs.

  3. Supervisors –who implement and apply development procedure.

  4. Employees –who provide feedback, suggestions for corporate endeavor?

Training is a powerful tool, which will have a major impact on both employee productivity and morale. As the job becomes complex, the importance of employee development also increases. Training attempts to improve the employee performance on the current job or prepare them for an intended job.

           Training refers to the teaching /learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping the employee of an Training is the organization to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities need by that organization the effective functioning of any organization requires that employees learn to perform their job at a satisfactory level of proficiency. Activity of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing a systematic and organization procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for definite purpose. Training benefits management by raising the standards of quality, building the organization structure but also heightens the morale of employees, reduces dissatisfaction and enables them to develop and rise within the organization by earning power and job security

Training courses are most effective when they are intensive and are held over a few days away from the office. This helps in getting feedback on all aspects of organization as well as vital check on training itself.

Organizations effectiveness is dependent on its ability to accomplish the following three objectives:

 To achieve its goals

To maintain itself internally

To adapt to its environment

Source: OB Books & Notes

Tags: employees, Groups, Human Resource, Management, MBA Group, Organisation, Organisational Groups, Responsibility, Supervisors, Top Management, training
By: Management Duniya

Introduction - Management Duniya


Training and development has emerged as a major educational system in the last two decades in India, it has been widely accepted as critical input for improving managerial performance and organizational effectiveness. Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced people to perform activities that have to be done. If the current job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skills levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or a decline in a productivity or changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological break-through require some type of training and development efforts.

                Training development and education are three terms frequently used. Training is a process of learning sequence of programmed behavior. Ii is application of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of rules and procedure to guide their behavior development is related process. It covers not only those activities which improve job performance, but also those which bring about growth of personality and potential capacity so that they not only become good employees including operatives, supervisor and executive/manager in every organization. Employees will enhance their skills, knowledge and attitude for meeting the present as well as future job needs. Operatives, superiors and managers who occupy higher responsibilities have key tasks to be performed in the organization. Training helps them to perform those tasks effectively.

  Training and Development

     Employee training is distinct from management development or executive development. While the former refers to training given to employees in the areas of operations, technical and allied areas, the later refers to developing an employee in the areas of principals and techniques of management, administration, organization and allied areas


Training can be viewed as a continuous process with definable strengths and weaknesses. The necessity of training is to orient the employee for higher responsibility and tasks. Training does not begin and end training regulates itself. Training to be more effective should be in responsible to needs of organization. In all “training” there is education and in all “education” there is training and these two processes can not be separated from development.

Source: OB Books & Notes

Tags: Behaviour, Development, finance, Human Resource, Management, Organisation, organisational Behaviour, Resource, training, Training and Development
By: Management Duniya

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Limitations of Career Planning - Management Duniya

Limitations of Career Planning

Limitations of Career Planning

The main problems in career planning are as follows:

  1. Career planning can become a reality when opportunities for vertical ability are available. Therefore, it is not suitable for a very small organization.

  2. In a developing country like India, environmental factors such as government policy, public sector development, growth of backward areas, etc. influence business and industry. Therefore, career plans for a period exceeding a decade may not be effective.

  3. Career planning is not an effective technique for a large number of employees who work on the shop floor, particularly for illiterate and unskilled workers.

  4. In family business houses in India, members of the family expect to progress faster in their career than their professional colleagues. This upset the career planning process.

Systematically career planning becomes difficult due to favoritism and nepotism in promotions, political intervention in appointments and reservations of seats for scheduled castes/tribes and backward classes.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: accounting, accounts, Career, finance, HR, HR notes, Human Resource, limitations, Management, MBA Career, MBA Career Planning, MBA HR, Planning
By: Management Duniya

Advantages of Career Planning - Management Duniya

Advantages of Career Planning

Advantages of Career Planning:-

     A properly designed system of career planning can provide the following benefits:

  1. Career planning helps an employee to know the career opportunities available in an organization.

  2. Career planning encourages him to avail of the training and development facilities in the organization so as to improve his ability to handle new and higher assignments.

  3. Career planning involves a survey of employee abilities and attitudes. It becomes possible, therefore to group together people talking on a similar wavelength and place them under supervisors who are responsive to that wavelength.

  4. Career planning anticipates the future vacancies that may arise due to retirement, resignation, death, etc. at managerial level. Therefore, it provides a fairly reliable guide for manpower forecasting.

  5. Career planning facilitates expansion and growth of the enterprise. The employees required to fill job vacancies in future can be identified and developed in time.

Source: HR Books & Notes

By: Management Duniya

Friday, 2 August 2013

Scope of Organisational Career Planning - Management Duniya

Scope of Organisational Career Planning

Scope Of Organisational Career Planning:-

     The following activities/areas are covered within the scope of organizational career planning:


Here, efforts will be made to identify the number of employees required in future. In addition, the selection procedure will be adjusted with the overall strategic goals of the organization.


Here, information relating to career opportunities (promotions, training for self development, etc) will be supplied to employees. Supplying career information/opportunities has special significance as this motivates employees to grow and reach to higher position.


Such counselling is next to supplying career information. Career counselling is possible by senior executives through periodic discussions with their subordinates. Such career guidance encourages subordinate employees to take interest in certain areas where suitable opportunities of career development are available. It is a type of internal guidance and motivation of employees for the selection of possible career paths. Such counselling is needed when employees have to plan their own careers and develop themselves for career progress.


Management now plans job sequences for transfers and promotions of their employees. This makes transfers and promotions systematically with advance information to employees. Career pathing creates suitable mental make up of employees for self development.


Training is essential for career planning and also for manpower development. Along with job analysis, organizational and job manpower requirement analysis should be undertaken by the management. This prepares proper background for the introduction of career planning programmes for employees.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Career, CAREER PLANNING, finance, Financial management, Human Resource, Management, MBA Career, Organisation, Planning
By: Management Duniya

Thursday, 1 August 2013

WHAT IS CAREER PLANNING? - Management Duniya



     Career planning is one important aspect of human resource planning and development. Every individual who joins an organization desires to make a good career for himself within the organization. He joins the organization with a desire to have a bright career in terms of status, compensation payment and future promotions. From the point of view of an organization, career planning and development have become crucial in management process. An organization has to provide facilities/opportunities for the career development of individual employees.

     If the organizations want to get the best out of their employees, they must plan regularly the career development programmes in their organizations. In brief, career planning refers to the formal programmes that organizations implement to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources available. Career planning and development is the responsibility of the HR department of the organization. As already noted, every person joining an organization has a desire to make career as per his potentiality, ability, skills and so on.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Career, CAREER PLANNING, Cash Management, Finance Management, Human Resource, Management, Planning, time management, WHAT IS CAREER PLANNING?
By: Management Duniya

Career Planning And Development - Management Duniya

Career Planning And Development


     A career is a sequence of positions/jobs held by a person during the course of his working life. According to Edwin B. Flippo “a career is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning to a person’s life”. Career of an employee represents various jobs performed by him during the course of his working life. This is described as career path. In the case of an ordinary worker, the career path includes the following job positions:

     Unskilled worker – Semi-skilled worker – Skilled worker – Highly skilled worker – Assistant foreman – Foreman.

     Employees (of all categories) want to grow in their careers as this provides more salary, higher status and opportunity to use knowledge, education and skills effectively. An individual with potentials joins a firm not for job but for career development. An organization has to provide better opportunities to its employees in their career development and also use their efficient services for the benefit of the organization.

Source: HR Books & Notes

Tags: Career, Development, Financial planning & policies, Human Resource, Management, Plan, Planning, Planning and controlling activities, System
By: Management Duniya