Friday 23 August 2013




Production Concept: The philosophy that consumers will favour products that are available & highly affordable & the management should therefore focus on improving production & distribution efficiency.

Product concept: The idea that consumer will favour products that offer the most quality, performance & features that the organisation should therefore devote its energy to making continuous produce improvement.

Selling Concept: The ideal that consumers will not buy of the organisational products unless the organisation under takes a large scale selling & promotion at effort.

Marketing Concept: The marketing management philosophy that achieving Organisational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets & delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently & efficiently than competitors do.

 Societal Marketing: The idea, that the organisation should determine the needs, wants & interest of target market & delivered the desired satisfactions more effectiveness and efficiently than other competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumers & society’s well being.

De Marketing: Marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently the ain is not to destroy demand, but only to reduce or shift it.

Market Mix: A set of controllable marketing tools product: Price, Place & promotion that the firm blends to produce the response, it wants in the target market.

Direct Marketing: Direct communication with carefully targeted individual consumer to obtain an immediate response & cultivate lasting relationships.

Source: Books & Notes

Tags: De marketing, Direct Marketing, Financial management, Human Resource, Human Resource System, Indirect Marketing, Loss, Management, Market Mix, Marketing, Marketing Concept, Marketing Management, MARKETING MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES, Organisation, Product Concept, Production Concept, Profit, Profit and Loss, sales, Selling Concept, Social marketing, volume
By: Management Duniya

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